The last time I wrote I got carried away with too many thoughts in the mind. This is an attempt to give the logic again in simple manner why we must restrain the fun even though you are going to die anyway.
If we go back in history our very old anscestors who had not even discovered fire, for them earth was as much as they could walk. it was a flat surface for them. Pleasure had a different meaning. We evolved, fire was discovered, life meaning changed.. the basic understanding of what life is all about changed. We evolved further more intelligent scientists came across machines were made, moon was discovered, so many things have changed or evolved with time and each time the meaning of life is redefined by the best of scientists. Every time we do and debunk the earlier ones (which a while back was the only truth known).
In this flux we have realized that science and logical thinking has not been able to answer all about life. There are so many miracles which happen around us. Science has not been able to explain. Miracles associated with spritiual practices like meditation, reiki, EFT, astrology, past life experiences of people. None can be answered through moder science or logic.
The only intelligent deduction of all this therefore is to accept we do not know everything, logic even if the most intelligent one fails to answer much about life. It changes each time with each new discovery.
if logic has its weaknesses and there is a proof of life beyond our comprehension how do we lead the life? we should lead to discover the unknown as some miracles tell us that there is a life larger than what we understand. much larger !! we should experiement and enlarge our experience... if that is to be done we will have to work and restrain the fun. restrain to move up to a higher plane.
Thats one strong reason to restrain the fun.
Another one is look at life of people who have had unrestrained fun. You will see it comes with a equal lot of pain as you become dependent on having it always.. but body, mind, money gets depleted with unrestrained fun. drive a car without breaks and it will meet with an accident.. it may damage you, the car.. it will be painful you may be hurt, it will require much hard work from now as you will not have any car any longer. It comes with equal or greater pain, in that case the overall fun mathematically speaking fun - pain is always "zero" or negative.
This is another strong reason to restrain !!
Life has extreme beauty !! Beauty is all over, all around you. Discover, experience with compassion and love and you will be surprised restraining the fun (fun defined as per sensual pleasure) will lead to a lot of happiness and peace...