Sunday, March 10, 2013

Silver Lining Playbook - Some Quotes

Tiffany: I was a big slut, but I'm not any more. There's always going to be a part of me that's sloppy and dirty, but I like that. With all the other parts of myself. Can you say the same about yourself fucker? Can you forgive? Are you any good at that?

Tiffany: I opened up to you, and you judged me

Pat: How old are you? 
Tiffany: Old enough to have a marriage end and not wind up in a mental hospital. 

Tiffany: I do this! Time after time after time! I do all this shit for other people! And then I wake up and I'm empty! I have nothing!

Pat: The world will break your heart ten ways to Sunday. That's guaranteed. I can't begin to explain that. Or the craziness inside myself and everyone else. But guess what? Sunday's my favorite day again. I think of what everyone did for me, and I feel like a very lucky guy.

Tiffany: Why did you order Raisin Bran?
Pat: Why did you order tea?
Tiffany: Because you ordered Raisin Bran.
Pat: I ordered Raisin Bran because I didn't want any mistaking it for a date.
Tiffany: It can still be a date if you order Raisin Bran.
Pat: It's not a date..."

Nature vs Culture

Devdutt Patnaik's book Myth = Mithya explains this concept which is there in Hindu mythology. Are gods and stories revolves around reaching a perfect state, reach God through one of the ways of nature or culture. 

Nature is our original self, driven by impulses, instincts and lies within. There are no rules, think of early tribes, or hippies  -there were no rules of right conduct, marriage, god, etc

Culture is the society of rules, what  is right or wrong, culture is the conditioning, it is a construct on which society is based. Philosophically there is no right or wrong and one can see the same when we study different societies, each having a distinct culture professed for reaching perfection. Each society believing in its superiority, Marriage itself and rules around it are an example of culture, it is an artificial construct. 

Nature is represented by Shiva, Culture by Vishnu. There is always a conflict between the two, in individuals, in society, all over. 

I see myself impacted by this duel between the two, day in and day out. It reminds me of one my very good friend, he seems to be at peace with both, relatively speaking or perhaps it appears so. When we met last he told me of his meeting nature, I asked what about culture? He seemed at peace, no unnecessary explanation or guilt but of acceptance of both sides as right, and there seemed to be synergy in his mind. I could see the nature active and at the same time his selflessness, love and care much ahead of us cultured ones. I know it is cryptic but that is how I want for now :).

p.s. Hermann Hesse novel  Narcissus and Goldmund captures this aspect beautifully. 

Life & Thoughts - 3

Life, happiness are one.
Fulfilled life is infinite happiness.

What is the Way?

Happiness lies Within,
Within cries for others,
Others to recognise the within.
Is it not begging?
Is it not a trade?
Is it not an unending goal?

Is there another way?

Within can recognize itself.
Self goals and achievement, 
Love and praise thyself.
Is it not narcissism?
Is it not a lie?
Is it not an illusion?

Is there another way?

Few believe in an abstruse way,
Happiness they say is the original state,
Life, happiness were always one, 
Self, ego cast a shadow on life,
Destroy self, life & happiness will remain.
Infinite and unobstructed.

What do I choose?
Mix of all or only one?

Silver Linings... Eventful 35th

I must confess, it did take a lot of courage to say what I said, it is not easy even if I pretend it to be. If it was a few years back I would have not been able to even come to this point, I would have definitely cleverly crafted a logic why it will not work, why I must not even attempt anything like this. This is the silver lining and has made it all worth!

I now know a little more what it means to be vulnerable, I have guarded myself all these years, have kept a distance and have been superficial. Of course this goes back in time and has to do with what I learnt about life early in life, in my school days, all those early experiences made me restricted. I realize this today and I am glad I made a beginning to be vulnerable. This is the silver lining and has made it all worth!

With all my training of mind, it still feels bad. However if it was the time when I was younger it would have left me in a terrible state, I would have constructed more walls, moved further to a secluded corner. I realize therefore what it feels, and how the training has had a positive impact, how it is helping me heal and how it is allowing me to live more. It has strengthened my resolve on how meditation works. This is the silver lining and has made it all worth!

My belief that I have an understanding of what it takes to live, armed with my own crafted theories which this blog is a proof of are shaken. I am very pleased about this as it has open doors for more theories, of answering the question which I am plagued by - In the purpose of life what role other people have as we aren't an island? This is the silver lining and has made it all worth!

Like everything this shall pass as time waits for none, but it is leaving a mark by giving me a lifelong learning which I could have never had otherwise. I have moved ahead with this. This is the silver lining and I am glad about it!

p.s. - Inspired by the movie "Silver Lining Playbook" and the eventful 35th

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Who is superior?

A conversation with a friend and he mentioned about 3 corporate ways after MBA, the question is which is right? Each believes his or her is the most superior

  • Case 1: Slogs 18 hours draws INR 20 million salary, lifestyle affordability is great... making more than he/ she is capable of, ahead of the pack. 
  • Case 2: Independent entrepreneur, live by own rules.. business not successful yet, opportunity cost is high but there is some purpose
  • Case 3: Taken work a notch lower than the actual capability, works 8 hours, plays rest of the time. moderate lifestyle. Not living to full capability though.
Who is superior?

to be continued....

Human Being is not an Island... 2

If we are not an island and if life revolves around others, how do we master ourself, what rules, values, methods do we adopt to get the best out of others. These are the question which want to answer.

Others can destroy you as their demands are selfish, where do you draw the line?
Self patting gives the freedom, direct love is strong but can make you dependent, how to balance the two?

I am not an island,
You all are a part.

Human Being is not an Island

It is a simple statement but that is what has been bothering me these days, this is now the question I am bothered with after the purpose question.  

The question is our whole existence is circling around only one aspect - how I fit in the eyes of others, these others I choose, I make my tribe of friends, family and I extend this in my mind each day. We are not an island and others define us. 

I am drawn to the same point as expressed in the last few blogs - life gets meaning through how I am able to get acceptance and love from others. One is an indirect source where I live some ideas, lifestyle, values, etc. which I believe will get me that acceptance, even if that does not come I do believe that it is there as these are the ideals, values, lifestyles are the exalted ones in the eyes of others. The other is a direct source where you have a circle of family, friends who accept and love you for what you are- the ideas, lifestyle, values etc.  

Life revolves around getting this love directly through a circle of friends and family or indirectly through self patting based on actions which you believe your tribe will admire and love you for. The tribe could be invisible but you feel proud, you pat yourself albeit it is a mental process and not a real one. That is the job of mind, if this messes up you end up in a mental asylum or get depressed.  

Life Can be defined as below:
  • What I think of myself in the context of OTHERS and 
  • What OTHERS think of me or
  • How I love myself for values which I think OTHERS admire or makes me a good man and 
  • The OTHERS who love me