Saturday, February 13, 2010

Learning to see

i never thought that i will have to learn to see again... i will have to unlearn my patterns and train myself to see again... what i mean is that mind is always so busy and talkative that we see objects yet are not seeing... i know what i am syaing is confusing...

when driving my eyes are on road, when walking my mind is lost in thought and i just walk i see all the roadblocks i need to avoid and nothing else..

while talking to someone i am seeing the other person but my mind is reacting  - agreeing or disagreeing or collating my own response... my mind is processing not what i am seeing but what i will be reacting to person i am talking to.. i miss the body language

i am always preoccupied by thoughts and my mind is processing something else, the something else could be gratifying but i have lost the art of seeing...

i remember i had this realization sometime back... it was i think around the time i saw some photography by some great photographer who captures beautiful momens out of ordniary life.. he said u need to surrender to the moment and u will see what others fail to see.. thats the skill of photographer it does not lie in techinchal skill of clicking photographs...  it stayed with me and then while i was walking i just stopped.. stopped thought process of what i will do next or daydreaming.. just stopped or slowed the pace of life by calming my mind.. and then i saw the ordinary life, a building, a tree and some kids playing... it was different it was always there... i do stop someimes to just see and it always surprises me... there is interesting beautiful visuals everywhere.. one does not have to go to a scenic place always...

another question which i have but himalayas are still more beautiful, the answer is yes people see its beauty as it is so that forces you to see it... but if you see again by just slowing the life, calming your mind it can be even more beautiful...

now when i talk to people i look in their face at times, just stop listening, stop processing what is being said, slow down, calm my mind and see them.. they look different, i can see their face, the contours, the beauty, the ugly and everything... they look so different... they look lively

It is an interesting exercise, try it if u have also stopped seeing... you will see very differently and often it is quite amazing...


  1. Halo ! Cheers ! :D
    This I do often , I prefer to walk for colg just bcz it feels very nice to stop your mind for a while and see things as they are , observe things both natural and humans... and feel them.. feel the beats of Universe ... and that you are alive!
    and I am glad you wrote it here ,it is always nice to read what you love to practice or what's already somewhere in your mind :)

  2. wonderful... next time do this consciously while talking to a person.. just stop listening.. and see closely.. you will see a very different face.. it is strange but fun..

  3. hmm... I will do it at wedding I m sure its gonna be a lot of fun.. :D
