Sunday, June 13, 2010

Shut up Mind ! #1

You stop at a traffic light and see that beggar out of the window of your car, crippled, hungry, famished.. You feel terrible for him.. thank your stars wonder how lucky you are, just born lucky.. thank god.. and move on

Next traffic light you dont see a beggar, but that beautiful car, new swanky, stylish, chauffer driven with a young woman sitting reading a newspaper at back.. you wonder why her, what has she done to deserve it.. wish you were there in place of her.... how unlucky you are !

Time to say: Oh mind you shut up ! you are so confused !


  1. well you never know whom you calling beggar could have bigger house & bigger car than you :).. i know few beggars from mumbai ... begging made them millionaire.... so watch out when you feel lucky next time :)

  2. i feel lucky to not be a beggar right now and having not met these millionaire beggars else i will be confused again :)
