Sunday, December 26, 2010


Another new year and time for more resolutions.. Well I gave up  resolutions a while back... drawing those long list of resolutions is like looking at the to do list one has at work.. why make it stressful... just live... 

All one needs is a modicum of true self assessment and making small goals, every day goal... not wait for a day like new year make it a grand event and then feel the stress of a long list of to dos, guilt for failing to have managed that... 

life is to live, life is to learn and it does not have to wait for a new year, each next moment is new.. it is about taking small steps.. it is about a pace which is spread over time and not rushed... it is about accepting ones own imperfections and forgiving oneself and from there taking baby steps... 

A simple complicated life

You want it but,
you don't try hard,
you give in to fears,
you give in to laziness,
you still keep wanting it.

You don't want it but,
you fall for it,
you can't resist it,
you say next time,
you promise to make amends.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The cleavage...

There are woman who are extremely comfortable with showing off their cleavage and then there are those who are not...  

It is quite funny when you are out with friends and one of your friends, a girl wears some trendy or for a more apt word sexy outfit... The cleavage is showing but she is not the one who is comfortable. well it ruins all the trendiness. the endless drama of each minute she pulling back the dress or holding it tight, each time she speaks people look as you are supposed to listen and more discomfort and more pulling of the dress... and the listeners don't know where to look... painful as you feel guilty of looking even when you are not or you worry that she does not think that you were looking :) .. painful... I have seen this drama with short skirts as well.. 

So to all woman the advice is wear what you comfortable in, you will look more attractive not because of the dress but the way you carry yourself... 

Continuing Education

I was wondering why formal education stops after school. The adults have much more capacity to comprehend and much clarity as to what they want.. The needs are different it is no longer linked to education leading to a degree but it is about what one wants.. It is about growth..

Human beings are blessed with this capacity and no other living being is; yet most around seem to be wasting it. We should have a school of adult education and am not talking about the ones which are for literacy but higher education about subjects which interests adults and their life phases....

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Shut up Mind ! #2

I was looking for peace,
Serenity free from mind,
Just being there in time,
witnessing it, relishing it.

Couldn't as my mind
just chats non stop
from past to future,
drawing inferences,
judging myself & others
from elation to doubt,
from one topic to another,
from theory to theory,
from memories to memories

Oh Mind please Shut up !

An Alternate Lifestyle

I was travelling last weekend and reached early at the airport.. I had not much to do so i thought let me watch this mela/ crowd of people at airport.. people coming and going.... 

I saw a lot of faces which were tired and many lost in thought, some chatting up with their friends/ family they were travelling with... All grown up in some sense were lost.. the only engaged and happy were the kids which had no boundaries and they charm the people around them, they were making relationships with all and sundry around them.... 

That is no new observation but i was wondering what if all grown ups become like that, like those kids... will it be better or worse? Let me explain what it will mean, it will mean that i and all grown ups start smiling and chatting up without any reservations with people around, establish a relationship.. do not judge them and do not have any facade keeping it formal.. don't have any fear of being judged.. Don't have to think of an opening line for communication it will be direct and a conversation full of love... it will be kind of coming to that school alumni meet and meeting long lost friends who you have not spoken for years... It is about boundary less relationships ... about breaking barriers if one knows the person.. it will require a lot of trust... The people we chat with also will require to be trusting and not think oops my privacy is being invaded why is he/ she bothering me... It will mean giving up many facades of being independent... 

All those hundreds of people will be chatting and laughing at the airport than sitting waiting for their flight boarding to be announced and tiring themselves... They will just be in a meaningful loving relationship.. they will be in the moment...  

All of us other than chasing materialistic goals of money, fame etc long for acceptance from people.. and what it takes is just a bit of trust, conversation and being non judgmental... it will be fulfilling for all.. with some you will strike a chord and may make long lasting friendship... 

I wonder if this is possible and what makes us not be able to do so...... In small villages/ townships some time back people used to have such kinship....