Sunday, February 13, 2011

Act of Kindness

I am smiling and feeling good. The reason is the mail from one of my blog readers "angel" (as she calls herself). She says one of her friends liked my blog and wants to post it at their site Share a Smile. These youngsters are full of energy who have started this initiative to spread a smile in society. Kudos to them and all the best ! 

It is a small gesture, a compliment on my blog and it has triggered the good feeling. That's all it takes to be happy. If I have to go back in past all the people who I like are the ones who have supported me in some small forms and and people who like me are the ones I have supported. 

We are humans and depend on others. To feel loved and happy, it can just be an understanding smile from a stranger when you are nervous or just a kind remark when you are fearful or just a lending hand from a  colleague when you are struggling with loads of work. It takes a small loving kind expression to make a person feel happy. It is cashless, free way of spreading happiness. This is what a relationship is all about, no roses and valentine gifts on one fine day !

I heard a beautiful wise quote it said -  "Judge yourself by how you made the person feel who you had just stopped talking to. If the conversation  made him feel good you are on the right track". About wisdom there is another quote which I must say as all situations cannot be generalized in one quote - "There is wisdom in also picking the right wisdom"

1 comment:

  1. "angel" (as she calls herself) - - - She IS an Angel... :P

    Thank you so much for appreciating our efforts.

    Keep Smiling !!! :) :)
