Sunday, April 4, 2010

Theroy of Relativity

This photograph is by Raghu Rai.

Just looking at the photograph I wonder what is right and what is wrong... nudity is considered so vulgar and look at them their reality is so different that they perhaps dont know how we look at clothes.. an absolute diregard of what we consider right...

Morals are relative, right or wrong or is relative... everything in life is relative that sometimes i wonder all what i believe in is that correct or just a relative truth which i have been believing in... i wonder if all i know if i really know !!

I hope i am not a moron but conditioned in a manner that i think i am pretty intelligent !! I wonder how based on conditioning people fight kill for what they beleive is right !! I wonder how one can kill for religion when that also is another conditioning.. I wonder how one know so confidently what is right and wrong !! i wonder if i am living right and if i ever be able to live right... or is there anything called right? or wrong?

1 comment:

  1. There are two sides of everything and even two sides of each side as well.
    Gud abt Relativity...
    And after thinking all this for a moment - still we keep on deciding this is right or wrong...
    How poor creature is a man!
