Sunday, December 6, 2009


I am not a good networker in traditional terms yet i have a very good network.. it is kind of funny.. I am not the one who will be able to strike a chord like the instant coffee.. Say the word hi and few minutes i will be netwroked... my facebook is quite dry, you will not see any action..

still i have a good professional network.. i wonder how.. I think its been mainly 3 factors:

1) Information technology - It has made life simpler to connect
2) Everyone is looking for a network, so if you are in a position where network is required people approach you, you dont have to do much.. you just need to reciprocate well and most improtantly with trust
3) this is the most important one... Be ready to give when someone is in need. This really helps forge a good relationship, professional network. i have never hesitated to help someone in need of any information/ help... giving that time makes a lot of difference. people value that.. if you prepare to put in some effort in giving you will forge relationship..

network based on give and take is much stronger and is not seen as a selfish one. It is much more useful than the one made with smart conversations.

Give & Take thats the real secret of any relationship... Give first and then take.. that is crucial.


  1. 'Give & Take thats the real secret of any relationship... Give first and then take.. that is crucial'.Wish everyone could think that way including me too :)but I am happy 'coz at least I am on the way of learning)wish you a great new year ahead !!!!!Write something on HR .......

  2. hey hardika.. wish you as a well a wonderful year and life ahead !!!

    it is never easy to give.. but you know in a relationship like above there is not much at stake but in more emotional ones it has to be equal give and take else it cannot go on, one will find it draining.. so give but in emotional intimate relationship i strongly think one has to look for a balance
