Saturday, December 26, 2009

life is funny or i am funny

well someone from jaipur wrote a comment on my blog..  it feels good given that i write anonymously and plan to do so.. whats the fun in letting friends know i blog and they comment... i desire to have my own following.. at least i can dream

thank you ma'am for your kind words on my blog... i love you for this

but the funny aspect is i read it and felt the pressure while writing my next blog,
not only that i typically sleep early, i am too disciplined here i am burning the midnight oil encouraged to write,
what is more funny is i want to impress her, forge a blog relationship with her,
i want to keep up to her expectations,
i am dreaming that... finally my blog, my time has come... i will be famous

man is life funny or is it just me?... it has to be life... always chasing appreciation, acceptance from others... thats what keeps keep people going through endless pains


  1. Life is Funny! Man is funny too... n the funniest thing is I was myself going to write a blog on this thought... when somebody likes our thought suddenly we feel that we have responsibilities now to prove him right. Strange...!!!You know wat you have expressed your heart very beautifully , if I had written this thought I wouldn't be able to say so clearly like this. And tell u one thing I had become happy and thankful too when I got first comment :) btw the girl who commented on ur blog is my sister :)
    Take care! n Keep writing! n yeah hope ur all problems will come to an end!

  2. Man.I swear!seriously life is funny no doubt.. It is so much funny that sometimes it makes so much laugh that eye gets tears while laughing & you are funny too.People thanks when someone comments.You one of a kind man wrote a whole blog(daring blog actually).Its making me laugh so much.Great!!!No need to scratching your head to impress me anymore.I am already impressed...keep writing:)

  3. Thanks both... it is funny and i am still to digest this interplay on net. i am happy and at the same time wondering what change in relationships can internet bring about. The thoughts are really srange and intriguing. So let it roll on and take shape, i will be watching:)

    having browsed through your blogs.. both of you girls are fascinating writers. Amazed by the depth, postivity. Both of you have idealistic and romantic take on life... I seem to have lost this youthful touch and am somewhere stuck in a rebellion to the romantic and being a realistic (as i pride myself)... need to balance...

    I am impressed, deeply impressed after reading your posts and wonder what did you like in my writing :)

  4. Lolz... well lemme tell u wat i liked... I liked your original thoughts n freshness in it... n the way u express them :)
    Keep writing!!
