Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Take on Love & Sex

This one is a difficult subject to write and I am sure this will be controversial. I am here to write about sex, love between male and female.

I don’t believe in the concept of love as it is largely followed. Love in general is only between a male and female or let me put it only between sexual partners (male – female in case of heterosexuals, same sex in case of homosexuals). Is it not a narrow meaning of love? What has love as an emotion got to do with sexual partner or gender? Look at all other emotions which describe us – empathy, compassion, anger, hate (opposite of love), pick any emotion it is not directed towards a particular category but transcends all such categories and can be to any specie living or dead or non living.

For sake of simplicity and as per my sexual preference (heterosexual) I will be writing it using male and female examples nothing against homosexuals.

But ask any person looking for love it is to do with gender. One may agree or disagree but the truth is it is about sex. It is longing for physical sex manifesting through emotions. Come to think of it every emotion has physical manifestation anger is seen in physical aggression, extreme hate can lead to similar aggression as anger, empathy could lead to physical actions of helping the person. In all these cases emotion follow the physical action however in case of love it seems the opposite but it is not. It seems so as per my argument sex I said love is about sex so it means it follows desire for sex is preceded by love. But it is not so as Sex is physical but the desire is an emotion, it flows from the need of the emotional solace one gets through the sexual experience. The desire manifests from the experience one has had earlier.

The love we see around us is all about sex? Difficult to answer but large part is sex then flows other attachments as well but it does start with sex.

You see sexual energy all over around you. Playful banters between men and women. Couples walking hand in hand everywhere you don’t see the same in same sex. Flirting, compliments, being conscious, putting your best put forward are some of the experiences you observe in a group of men and women. Look at the romantic movies they are all about finding that perfect partner, sexual partner. The best moments are those which are followed by the romantic gossips followed by gentle kiss and sex. Such are the memorable moments of romantic movies.

It is sex everywhere I have not seen any movie which does not have its energy, even the hardcore action movies will have a dame either with the protagonist or the antagonist and there will be love and sexual energy.

I am to believe the meaning of love and sex entwined and cannot be separated.

With so such of this energy what surprises me is there is so much guilt around sex, sexual desires it is love ultimately and not a harmful emotion per se. Why can you love only one? Why is it a sin for an engaged partner to fall in love or attracted to another person? Why is it a forbidden fruit as per all religions? Why is it be given up to attain the highest ideals of being human – nirvana, moksha?

1 comment:

  1. I think I fully understand you on this topic... understand your questions and results of your deep contemplation on it.
    Love and Sex can not be separated! Sex here I believe includes the genuine touch , kiss n so...
    As you pointed out Emotional Need is also important.
    Another thing that - its somewhere about Give and Take. Which is very important in today's time!!!
    Now I would like to add something in it ---
    From childhood I was quite revolutionary in my thoughts - I had such questions in my mind why we cant love someone we want to? I believe we misunderstand different kinds of Love in our life ... we take them all for either sexual or for ideal love... no what about my love for an old uncle? a kitten? a tree? a star? .... I can fell in love with so many people at one time? But then I believe in Platonic or Ideal love where two people haven't seen each other still their is some strong bonding. A soul mate kind of feeling where you know the secret chamber of other person's heart... one soul in two bodies!!! SO I think neither I discard sexual urge in love nor I say its d only important thing. .... Ohh... I can talk on this topic for hours! I love this topic! Loved your post!
    Wait! I would like to tell you my sister's view because our thoughts on this topic are two poles apart and we often argue on this - Her take on Love is like she believes that emotional feelings are everything in a relationship. If a guy is caring too much for her that is enough to make her feel th8 a guy truly loves her. And she too with her full faith can love back th8 guy.
    Take care!
