Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why do I write blogs?

When I started writing a blog I just had an excitement to be there and explore some topics which otherwise are difficult to write about. Here you have the hope and excitement that a larger world will read it and some may like it. Also these are themes which one does not talk about on a coffee table; these also require some peace of mind to organize thoughts.
People write blogs for various reasons and there are pop psychologists who have theories around why people write blogs. I have not seen any convincing theory most of them are bogus theories. One common fact is these are thoughts/ opinions which we want people to read, it could be though only your social circle. If there were no blogs imagine the long blogs I write I would have to narrate to all my friends/ family one by one. By end of it I would have been declared insane. I think that’s one common thread for all the bloggers (communicating my thoughts to larger world) but there are more reasons and is very individual centric.
For me another reason is to explore organize thoughts around some aspects of life. Little philosophy oriented. I am not the one who can read a lot but I like to learn through my own reasoning and writing helps me do so.
Blogs add the charm of letting people know and comment on my thoughts. And perhaps there is a hope of getting appreciation from the world, from your social circle of how well I think or write. Well the reality may be otherwise (I may be a boring blogger) but well I have defense mechanism up and quite hopeful to impress quite a few :)
Some conversation drifted me to the subject of death. It triggered my thoughts - one day I will die and so will all of you reading this :) (Death and smiley I don’t know go well together). I am not trying to scare anyone but jut plan to write on a series of human topics keeping in mind that we do die one day and in that context want to explore if the baggage we create in this life is really worth it? It’s a topic I want to explore may be extreme but extremes help us learn better they challenge the thought process.

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